I want to tell you a story about a museum,
And of how ghosts speak to the living,
And how, like a dying star they sometimes leave a message
"We were here, we were here," they say -
"Look at the objects we crafted, the tools we used,
Our art, our culture, our language
Speaking to you through the things that made us human."
And the remnants of lives once lived are here in the museum,
A message from the past, from our ancestors... our family;
They are here so that we don't forget where we came from,
They are here to remind us that we are all walking the same
uncertain path
Through history,
And in this museum there is a corpse of a priest,
The shell of a man, who once lived and walked upon the
But now lies wrapped tightly in bandages,
Embalmed and blessed by the priests who were to follow him
His name was Hornedjitef,
For it is written on his sarcophagus, so that the gods would
know him,
And welcome his soul to the eternal afterlife in the kingdom
of the dead.
But the journey there was complex and full of danger,
So before he died Hornedjitef said:
"I. Hornedjitef
am an important priest,
Therefore I will commission spells and amulets to make my
journey sure,
And a star map to navigate the temple of the sky,
So that I can weave a path through the delicate weft of
Because Heaven is a long, long way from here and a soul
might get lost on the way,
Even one as important as mine."
And so upon his spaceship sarcophagus, in meticulous detail,
His brother priests marked down the blueprint of the
The firmament and all its mysteries, spelt out confidently
in hieroglyphs,
To guide him safely to Ra and Nut, the great sky goddess,
Who were waiting, patiently
To welcome their worthy priest to his rightful place within
their pantheon.
But in spite of his map and his amulets and spells,
And inscriptions from the holy book of the dead to guide him
on his way,
mortal remains are now interred in Bloomsbury :
golden mask gazes out of a glass case at the curious visitors,
the story of how a man who planned to fly through space,
ended his journey in a museum.
through the celestial void of time, a dying star pulses its signal to us:
haunting magnetic voice -
The voice
of a star that is no longer there:
A ghost
in space saying, "I was here, I was here!"
But like
a priest from ancient Egypt ,
The star
as big and impressive as it was, has long since passed away,
No map or
chart will take us there, or reveal its presence in all its glittering glory -
heavenly pantheon it seems is a mortal as a man:
As mortal
as a man who was once a mighty priest,
Who tried
to steer his way through a universe of stars,
So that
he could live forever.
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